PartnerShift Network (PSN) has a long history of community service, dating back to 1997. Formerly known as the Saginaw Business and Education Partnership (2010-2019) and Business Education Coordinating Council (1997-2010), PSN has been delivering talent development services to the community and employment retention solutions to employers. During PSN’s 27 years of service, the organization has achieved numerous accomplishments, including completing the Community Ventures Program in Saginaw County, which increased retention levels of chronically unemployed individuals in partner businesses by 77.6% with support from Success Coaches. This long history of service is a testament to PSN's commitment to the community and its ability to deliver results.
When Community Ventures dissolved, Michigan Works Agency (MWA) housed the program under a different name, Business Resource Network (BRN). PSN worked alongside MWA, delivering resources to participants facing employment barriers. MWA has since closed its program, and now PSN stands alone.
The Business Resource Network (BRN) is more than just a consortium of conscious employers. It's a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to making a meaningful impact on their employees' lives. With a BRN membership, employers receive dedicated time from PartnerShift Network's team of Success Coaches to address the retention barriers that their employees might be facing. This sense of community extends to the monthly meetings, where member businesses have the opportunity to network with other business leaders, discuss challenges and opportunities, and establish collaborations. It's a network where everyone's voice is heard and everyone's needs are met.
CWSI provides members of the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population access to community-based Success Coaches and full wrap-around services at no cost. Wrap-around services include financial assistance with major barriers to employment retention, such as transportation, housing, and childcare. Participants of CWSI also receive assistance with budgeting and financial literacy, personal well-being, conflict resolution skills, and more. These services lift participants out of perpetual crisis and grow them to self-sufficiency.
PT addresses the essential need for reliable transportation to work to succeed in securing employment and fostering self-sufficiency. PT pairs direct financial assistance with Success Coaching to assist individuals through transportation-specific crises and then obtain skills to overcome issues in the future or prevent them from happening. PT can assist qualifying participants with up to 60% of the cost of overcoming a transportation barrier. Barriers that prevent access to reliable transportation that would be considered for direct financial assistance include:
After addressing the immediate transportation need using the methods mentioned above, the participant and the Success Coach will collaborate to develop tactics, plans, and strategies for overcoming future barriers. Success Coaches will actively offer participants skills such as financial literacy, planning, and discussions about alternative transportation models to help them maintain employment.
Our choice-model food pantry available to Saginaw, Midland, & Bay County residents, which offers online ordering and the option of pick-up or delivery for shelf-stable food products, household goods, feminine hygiene products, diapers, and pack-and-play sleepers.